How to Get Wider Shoulders

How to Get Wider Shoulders – Step by Step

When women want to have slim waistline, men are addicted into attaining wide shoulders.  Face it, men with big, broad shoulders are sexier and cast the protector-effect over women.  Broad or wide shoulders are more manly, stronger and sexier.  So for boys who want to gain those killer shoulders that can man them up, here are but a few tips that can help:

How to Get Wider Shoulders
How to Get Wider Shoulders


  1. Do some shoulder stretching. This kind of exercise will help you expand the muscles on your shoulder and upper torso.  Before you commence into any heavy workout practice, do this step first.  It will help your muscles to adjust in any rigid action you will be performing.


  1. Enroll yourself to gym exercises. Weight and strength training promises better results into attaining those dream shoulders.  However, do not just focus on your shoulders, do workouts that also enhance your back and pectoral muscles, too.  They should be in proportion with your shoulders for they will determine strength of your upper body.  If you’re a newbie without any inkling of the gym programs, consult the instructor.


  1. Enroll yourself in swimming class. Swimming is the best workout for your shoulders.  Moreover, this is a whole body workout that can tone muscles all over your body.  Best strokes for your shoulders are: back stroke, breast stroke and butterfly stroke.


  1. Observe proper posture at all times. Imagine yourself gaining those killer shoulders every woman is swooning over.  You love that don’t you? But imagine again that those shoulders are in poor posture or position, exuding defeat or inner insecurities… complete bummer, isn’t it?  Thus, be sure to partner your shoulders with confident attitude that actually comes from within you.  Like those exercise regimen, practice this often whether people are looking at you or not.


  1. Choose your clothes or T-shirts well. Baggy shirts will de-emphasize your broadening shoulders so be sure to select t-shirts that will conform to your body.  As what they say, “If you have it, flaunt it.” So flaunt your already widening shoulders.  Remember your initial objectives, so even if those shoulders are still in the process, begin to show them off. Remembers: Girls are always staring.
How to Get Wider Shoulders
How to Get Wider Shoulders
How to Get Wider Shoulders
How to Get Wider Shoulders





