if you are bitten by a dog

What to do if you are bitten by a dog – 5 Steps

Soft, furry, warm, playful and faithful… yes, dogs can really be man’s best friend. Youtube, Facebook, Google and other social mediums teem with videos, photos and stories of this adorable and well-loved creature. They’re one of the best—if not simply the best—pet one could ever have.  But as all beautiful creatures, dogs have their downside, too.  Dogs are still canines with canine teeth. They still retain the ability to bite despite proper training.  It’s still in their system to strike when provoked or threatened; same as when we, humans, take our fight or flight when we’re in pressing danger. And, hey, they are very susceptible to rabies, too.


if you are bitten by a dog
if you are bitten by a dog



Of course there are those anti-rabies vaccines available in the clinic of your certified veterinarian.  Setting that one aside, what do you do just in case that your ‘delightful ball of fuzz’ (vaccinated or not) bites you?


Collect yourself together and don’t panicYou will definitely be in shock since your own best friend bit you, but it’ll just have its effects for several moments.  After that initial stoned reaction, panic may shortly take over. You may want to freak out and go out hysterical, but that’s not really highly rational of you.  Remember dogs, most especially ones who are already familiar to you, just bite because they also lack the calm.  So stay calm and move to the next step.


Help your dog calm down.  This doesn’t only sound difficult, IT IS REALLY ACTUALLY! But you’ve got to manage this to prevent him from attacking you (or other people) again. He’s your dog, so coaxing him with your calm voice may persuade him.  On the other hand, if something is seriously wrong with your pet’s behavior, ask for help. But if you are living with kids, you must warn them not to go nearer your place, all the while mentally noting your stance (not too aggressive since it may encourage another attack) and voice quality (not to shrill or panicky because dogs are sensitive to sounds, they may pick up a threat instead).


Apply for the first aid and get medical help.  Wash the bitten part with clean water.  Running water may be the best in this case, as it washes away dirt and saliva thoroughly. Abstain from applying soap or alcohol to the bitten part especially when skin is broken or has serious wound.  Go to the hospital and let the professionals attend to your wound. They may want to know something about your dog and the incident, so be astute in answering their inquiries.


Report about the incident immediately to your local health department.  They will be doing the reports, stats, observation and perform the proper course of action.  Coordinate with them and be accurate of your give facts (even if you may hold a grudge against your canine).  It is crucial for you to know that they will be the ones to help your dog and other people in your neighborhood.


Ask for emotional support.  You may not know it but you are in trauma or suppressed anger.  It may be helpful to talk it out to a therapist and support groups.  Other victims may also help you get through your ordeal.  In return, be active in helping others out, too.


Please be reminded as well that being a pet owner, specifically a dog owner, requires bigger responsibilities and patience.  Dogs are creatures entitled to their own feelings and nature, they are not toys.  You live, work and play with them. You don’t play them! So, if you’re an individual not fully prepared for tasks that dog-ownership entails, it’s advisable for you to refrain yourself from owning one.






