Apple’s iOS 9 – Details & Release Date

When Apple gave their press release about the iOS 9, many are already itching for the benefits they’re going to have.  Presently, the Beta version is already circulation.  The Public Beta will soon arrive by July and the official one will be seeding by fall within this year.

Apple’s iOS 9
Apple’s iOS 9


To enumerate, let’s start off with Apple’s efficient assistant Siri and Spotlight Search.  These two features will receive significantly great improvements.  This new split-screen feature will be added to let several apps run at the same time without any problems.


Apple also stated that there is a huge improvement for an Apple device’s battery life, perhaps through a dedicated Low Power Mode feature.  Further, the device giant also made a list of compatible devices for the theiOS 9 transition and here it is:


Under iPhone:

  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus


Under iPad:

  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3rd Generation
  • iPad 4th Generation
  • iPad Air
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad mini
  • iPad mini 2
  • iPad mini 3



  • iPod touch 5th Generation


Storage-wise, you iOS 9 makes your storage much roomier compared to iOS 8’s demand.  Being a mere 1.3GB, you can save 350% against last year’s 4.6GB.


Minor reformation details, on the other hand, consist of the font change.  iOS used Helvetica Neue, but the upcoming iOS has turned San Francisco.  To make searching for things easier, Apple has incorporated a search box for almost every page.  From the 4-digit passcode, iOS 9 uses a much complex 6-digit combination.


Okay, so we have the juiciest titbits straight from the brand itself.  Stay tuned for more updates regarding the public unfolding of the newly developed iOS.





