There are photos or images we may not want to share with prying eyes. If you have an iPhone or iPad, chances are you might have downloaded a third party application just to seal them away. Remember the article where we tackled about the app called Secret Photo & Video Calculator? It was a mobile application that can help you hide your images and videos under the pretence of being a calculator app.

Today, we are giving you another way of hiding those photos but this time we won’t need another application. Just follow our directions and you will be able to keep them away from other people in no time.
- In your iPhone or iPad, open your photo library and tap the photo you want to put into stealth mode.
- Next, tap on Edit and then the Crop tool located at the bottom.
- You can then resize the cropping box itself by dragging the corners until you can see a very small portion of the photo inside the box.
- Save the cropped version of the photo and it will automatically replace the photo in your camera roll. This way, you can be able to hide the whole image and only exhibit a small portion of it. Do not worry about the original photo since it is still saved along with the edited version. You can easily revert the photo to its original version anytime you want to.