Category: Apple

  • How to Use Apple Watch as an Apple TV Remote Control

    How to Use Apple Watch as an Apple TV Remote Control

    It’s good to know that Apple has been very good in integrating their gadgets with each other. Nowadays, you can easily connect your iPhone or iPad to your Apple PC and vice-versa. And we all know that Apple products offer a lot of features, therefore making your Apple experience something to enjoy. And if you’re…

  • How to Easily Connect Your Bluetooth Keyboard to Your Apple TV

    How to Easily Connect Your Bluetooth Keyboard to Your Apple TV

    Nowadays, watching TV isn’t just an enjoyable experience compared than before; it’s also technologically savvy in many ways. At the present time, it’s only natural for televisions to have other functions, functions that are actually designed to help its user in many ways. The truth is, your Apple TV isn’t just a television; it could…

  • What to Do when your Apple TV Siri Remote gets Lost

    What to Do when your Apple TV Siri Remote gets Lost

    We all know that technological advancement gets an all-time high nowadays. However, despite that fact, people are still losing their television’s remote controls. This case is also true for Apple TV users, most of which have managed to misplace or lose their Siri Remote controls many times now. Aside from the so-called term ‘human error’,…

  • How to Easily Download and Install iOS 10 Beta on your Apple Devices

    How to Easily Download and Install iOS 10 Beta on your Apple Devices

    Months after having Apple’s iOS 9 compromised by the U.S. Government after a six-week-long legal battle, the company had released its latest iOS version, the iOS 10. Just like what the company has revealed during their official public announcement, the iOS 10 has lots of new features to offer aside from the fact that the…

  • Best Role-Playing Games (RPG) that are Available for iPad

    Best Role-Playing Games (RPG) that are Available for iPad

    Are you tired of browsing the internet all day? Just try to relax and unwind your mind for a while. And as you do that, why don’t you try playing RPGs for a change?   Role-playing Games or RPGs, as most gamers know it, are sort of games that usually contain a storyline in addition…

  • How to Clean Install macOS Sierra to Your PC

    How to Clean Install macOS Sierra to Your PC

    Being the latest Mac Operating System, the macOS Sierra now has improved features both in terms of easy access up to the overall security itself. Right now, most Mac users are now upgrading to the latest OS. How to Clean Install macOS Sierra to Your PC Whether you believe it or not, it’s very easy…

  • Apple’s iOS 10 is Now the Company’s Biggest Update Ever

    Apple’s iOS 10 is Now the Company’s Biggest Update Ever

    Just recently, the internet has been swarmed with news in regards to Apple’s latest and biggest iOS version yet – the iOS 10. The company has revealed that this newest iOS update will definitely take iPhone and iPad users’ experience to a whole new level. Coming straight from WWDC, the news had just given most…

  • Must-remember Tips that You Must Remember While Recording Your iPad, iPod or iPhone

    Must-remember Tips that You Must Remember While Recording Your iPad, iPod or iPhone

    Most people nowadays are now doing serious iOS screencasting whenever they are doing some research such as game and mobile reviews, political observation reports, scientific analysis, etc. Due to the fact that the iOS is now becoming more and more popular when it comes to security, this is usually the first choice of those who…

  • iPhone 7 Glass Body: Is it Realistic, or Just another Fake Rumor?

    iPhone 7 Glass Body: Is it Realistic, or Just another Fake Rumor?

    Since the start of this year, many rumors concerning the next year’s Apple iPhone are now swarming the internet. Announcements concerning the next year’s flagship iPhones are usually made every September of the year. However, rumors about the so-called ‘Potential iPhone 7/7s’ are now being leaked since March. The truth is, due to the fact…

  • Road Apple Social Engineering Attack: Meaning and Definition

    Road Apple Social Engineering Attack: Meaning and Definition

    For the past three decades, most security experts have taken social engineering as a kind of penetration testing or hacking technique that involves tricking victims into giving the hacker the needed credentials. All methods are known to be somewhat comical jokes but are usually very effective. Some known methods involve the hacker disguising himself as…