Mac Desktop

How to Speed Up your Mac Desktop – 3 Steps

Compared to Windows and Linux computers, a Mac is quite of an investment.   However, this Apple product isn’t just something with a hefty price tag.  It comes with premium feel, quality performance and life-time commitment if you know how to take care of it.


Overtime, you accumulate data which takes a huge percentage of your Mac’s storage and slice of its performance speed.  The answer to this is cleaning or de-cluttering.  Yes, unwanted ‘things’ may overwhelm your space and reduce the speed of your loyal partner.  Fortunately, we have methods in gaining back the momentum of your Mac.

Mac Desktop
Mac Desktop



Method 1: Taking Away Icon Effects

  1. Head to your Desktop and right click on an available space. An option box containing “Show View Options” should appear right away.
  2. Another pop up will be shown on your screen showing you several adjustment options. Anyway, just locate the Show icon preview and un-tick the box. The consequence will be that your desktop icons will appear normal (without any graphically straining effects).  This will help boost up the speed of your Mac.



Method 2: Check Your Log-In Items

  1. Check the applications that open upon start-up they may be the culprits in making your Mac computer perform sluggishly. Just head to the System Preferences >> Users & Groups >> Login Items.
  2. Uncheck on the apps that you don’t actually need upon launching of your computer.



Method 3: Cleaning Up the Hard Drive

  1. Open your Mac’s native Disk Utility program and click on the hard drive by the left panel.
  2. Ensure that you are viewing the First Aid page and click on the Repair Disk button at the right hand corner. This can take a lot of time since the scanning encompasses the your whole hard disk.







