It is a difficult feat for most parents to teach their little ones to be independent even in little ways. Letting them sleep alone may be your first step in letting them on their own. Nevertheless, this one basic task may be emotionally and physically draining for both parents and kids. To help you get through some dilemmas, we have constructed some points for you to go by:

- Let your baby take nap at afternoons on own bed or crib. This will introduce your baby in sleeping independently and is actually good for your child’s health. The light gives assurance for the baby and won’t give him or her fears. Eventually, your child will get accustomed to sleeping alone.
- Decorate your nursery room with fun colors. One of the secrets to get your baby interested in having his own room is to give him a good one. Put up child-friendly items and liven up the room with vivid pastel colors. Remember that children love colors, so be sure to style up the room with a good blend of different hues. Put also the very things he love most like teddy bears, dolls, books or pictures.
- Consider room lighting or ambiance. Choose a dim-light that can be soothing during night. You may not want your kid to get accustomed to bright lights but you wouldn’t want to scare him with the dark right? You can ask the advice of an appliance store personnel about this matter.
- Give your baby light snack before sleeping. Give your kid a glass of milk or some Oreos before napping time. This will help your baby to relax.
- Sing your baby lullabies or read stories. This will give you time for bonding and will soothe your baby. A mother’s voice (most especially) while singing a lullaby is a calming presence to her child.
- Do not leave your baby’s side until he or she has completely fallen asleep. Let your child know that you are there at his side as he goes to his own dreamland. You may still have other things to do, but remember that you are still introducing your little one into independence.