Five Main Reasons Why Your Children Have Head Lice

For Parents: Five Main Reasons Why Your Children Have Head Lice

For decades if not already centuries, head lice have been a silent part of human civilization regardless of race and gender. Having head lice, especially in children is surely a situation that needs immediate action. If left untreated, not only will children become affected physically; it will also damage them emotionally. You can have it treated right away whenever these little things start appearing in your children’s heads.

For Parents: Five Main Reasons Why Your Children Have Head Lice

However, in order to make sure that the head lice will stop existing after treatment, you must make sure that your children won’t have it once again. Needless to say, you must make sure that there are no external sources to get these. If left unmonitored, your efforts in getting your child’s head lice removed will amount to nothing.


Listed below are some of the reasons why children keep getting head lice even if there’s no one inside your house who had it firsthand:


  1. Children don’t tell their parents about it. It is only natural for children to get ashamed whenever he or she has a bad case of head lice. However, if the parent sees his or her child scratching his head frequently, it is up to them to make sure that the problem is solved before it gets worse.


  1. Your child may have a direct contact with those infested with head lice. Mostly his or her classmates, your child may have gotten the head lice through various factors such as wearing their headgear (e.g. hats and caps) or direct head-to-head contact.


  1. Various family and friend-related activities – Activities such as camps and sleepovers are actually known to be a probable situation where children can pass head lice since they are sleeping right next to each other. In this case, the head lice crawl right to the next victim and start a whole-new cycle.


  1. Ignoring the obvious head lice symptoms – Studies have shown that the itch related to head lice is experienced six weeks after the actual infestation. However, nits (head lice eggs) are seen appearing beforehand. If ignored and left untreated, the bad situation will eventually become worse.


  1. Misinformation about head lice – It isn’t true that those who have head lice are practicing bad hygiene. It is also not true that those who have short hair are less likely to get lice. Because of such wrong information, the head lice infestations are often diagnosed late.





