If you’re one of those individuals who has flair in solving problems, puzzles and mysteries… there’s a good chance that you can become a police detective. Yes, you can put those skills into profitable practice considering that the average annual income of a police detective is about $56,000. Not bad, right? If you’re not at all convinced, try to read the following.

- Know what you want and get ready. For starters, be sure that you are convinced at the innermost being of yourself that you want to be a Police Detective. Have you seen the movies about crime investigations? Even though most of those movies are exaggerated, they are not actually far from reality. Violence, gore and blood traces are seen within crime scene. Are you brave enough for such setting when the time comes? Before those, are you also fit enough for the police training in the academy? How do you handle stress and risks? Do you have what it takes to be a police investigator? Ask yourself these questions and assess yourself properly.

- Work hard, be confident and put that writing skill at work. You will start as a normal police officer who can investigate minor crimes. Be sure to take every opportunity to make the best out of those situations. Exhibit your problem-solving skills, organizational skills and writing skills. Moreover, be respectable in your field of work and among your colleagues. Just keep your job close to your heart and promotion (or acknowledgement) won’t be far away from you.
- Practice patience because it actually pays off. Opportunity for promotion varies. It’s up to you, your seniors and… well, a little bit of luck. However, if things turn out to be slower than you expected, do not grumble. Keep that positive outlook and attitude towards life going. Sooner than later, you will be that police detective you are aiming for. Remember, exemplary people aren’t those who merely chase success for monetary pursuit. They are exemplary because their character is. So do your part of work while waiting for things to come into the right perspective.