Internet Marketing Forums are sites which offer Bloggers additional potential traffic due to the fact that you can build a substantial amount of internet reputation there once you are an active member. As of now, internet reputation is also needed especially when you want to get everyone’s attention. Carefully take note that even though these sites don’t allow you to post your website links, still these sites contain lots, if not loads of very useful information.

As of this date, these are by far the five best Internet Marketing Forums online.
- Warrior Forum – If you’re a Blogger, you must also become a Warrior or a War Forum User yourself. If you’re business-minded, their War Room is a definite must-check for you. If you’re planning to start an Internet or Affiliate-related Marketing Business, this is surely the best Forum for You.
- Digital Point Forums – Having a Marketplace for Domains, Templates, E-books and other useful web content, this is also a good choice for Bloggers. Just make sure that you don’t insert spam links there or else you will get banned for good.
- SitePoint Forums – If you’re a web designer or a programmer, you can talk yourself out in this forum. Aside from that, the forum’s design is very easy and user-friendly.
- WickedFire – This newly-built forum is now gathering a substantial amount of members lately. Just like the others, their forums are somewhat easy to use.
- V7N Webmaster Forum – This site is very popular, especially for Web Developers due to the issues that they are posting there.