Are you a blogger? Have you ever earned money from your blogs?
These questions sound silly but the truth is, there are lots of bloggers who are not earning from their blog. In fact, majority starts blogging in the hope of earning but ends up with nothing.

Here are some of the reasons why earning from blogs doesn’t end well for some people.
Wrong Target Audience
Many bloggers get into blogging without knowing the kind of audience they will cater to. Targeting your audience is like hitting arrows in the dark, but it could either end you getting access to people’s pockets or end up with nothing. Before you begin blogging, you must target the kind of customer you want to cater to. You can do this by making a research on the kind of audience you want to deal with and identify their needs. Once you have identified their needs, you can easily choose your blogging niche.
Blogging isn’t that easy, like most People think
It is an almost unacceptable truth that blogging isn’t made for those who are impatient. As you can see, blogging is definitely not made in a way that, once you write and post something, you can immediately see the money train rolling. It is true that Blogging can make your life go easy and you can also write whatever you want. However, we’re sure that you’re going to fail once you lost your patience along the way. And if you don’t follow the blogging rules, you’ll definitely go nowhere.
Huge Traffic doesn’t mean Huge Money
Not because you’re getting a huge amount of traffic from those who read and watch your blogs every day, it doesn’t mean that you’ll definitely earn money from it. The truth is, traffic is just traffic, unless you do something with it. What we mean is that if you have a huge daily traffic, you can introduce products or services to them via Affiliate Marketing, Advertising and other kinds of monetization strategies. Needless to say, huge traffic only means huge money if they all avail products and services that you offer them. Other than that, it’s just like having the popularity less the money.
You are Neglecting your relationship with your Audience
A blog is originally made in order to promote interaction between people around the world. Needless to say, if someone wrote a comment concerning your blog or story, you’re obliged to give him or her some reply. Always make sure that your reply is respectful, though.