Host Subdomains on Different Servers

How to Host Subdomains on Different Servers

Since there are many web hosting services in the Internet, you can experiment posting your websites to them. If you’re currently subscribed to a particular webhost service, you don’t need to worry. As a matter of fact, all you need to do is to specify a few settings and your site is ready to work once again. Doing this needs you to experiment first e.g. by using your site’s forum address first in order to make sure that it works.

Host Subdomains on Different Servers
Host Subdomains on Different Servers


Are you already curious on how to do that? This guide will show you how to do that the easy way. (Purchase Web Hosting: )


  1. Use your domain to edit your DNS records. As of now, some domain registrars don’t allow editing DNS records unless you’re registered with them so always make sure that you will only register with the site that do. Once registered, log in to your account and access the cPanel option. Go to the ‘Domains’ section then pick the ‘Advanced Zone Editor’ option under that.


  1. You must use the Type ‘A’ trick. If in case you didn’t know, the Type A record trick allows you to host subdomains easily just by using a simple classification. In the ‘Advanced Zone Editor’ option, you will see four different fields, namely: Type, Name, TTL or Time-to-Live and Address.


In the Type field, choose Type A then put your desired subdomain name in the next field. Set the TTL option to 14400 and lastly, put your new domain’s IP or Web Address in the last field. Bear in mind that the domain’s IP is usually listed in the email that was sent to you once you are registered to them. Kindly double-check your settings for errors before clicking the Add Record button.

Once everything is set up, you can now see your Web Address hosted by a different domain.






