Making a carrier has become of great importance to today’s youth. For which good foundation from good school holds a lot of importance. There are different examinations that are held to give good prospects to the students and candidates who apply for the same. Almost all these examinations are national level and only well-deserved candidates make their way through and get in to the profession that they have always dreamt off and have always wanted to become as adults. Once such examination is TNPSC, which is nothing but Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission examination.
This examination was successfully conducted in the year 2014, and approximately 13 lakhs students applied and attended the said exam. This was conducted to fill 2342 vacancies. The pay scale for these posts varies from Rs5200 to Rs20200 along with 2400 Grade pay. For this exam the candidate must study and prepare for general studies, Basics of village administration, aptitude and mental ability test, general Tamil or general English. For getting through and selection the candidate must procure 90 marks. Examination is conducted for 300 marks.
Hall ticket download is very easy. For this the candidate has to visit the website Find the TNPSC VAO Admit Card 2014. Then the candidate needs to enter the details like application number and date of birth and then submit it. The admit card will appear, take the print of the same. While going to the examination it is a must for the applicant to carry the Admit Card along in order to get into the examination hall to write the exam.
These are some of the basic steps to be taken care of before going for the examination. It is definitely a very competitive exam and one needs to really work hard in order to get a grade which will give more pay.
Work hard now and make a great future for yourself. There will be no looking back for the candidate once he or she gets through the examination in flying colours. Make way to a great and bright future with TNPSC exam.