Finally, the much anticipated film is set to be released worldwide before 2015 ends. And sorry Ashton Kutchen fans, but Universal got someone to play the role. As the official teaser revealed, Michael Fassbenderplays the role of the bespectacled tech legend, the late Apple founder himself, Steve Jobs. The film was based from the biography written by Walter Isaacson and was translated into a movie script by Aaron Sorkin under the direction of Danny Boyle.

This movie version of Steve Job’s life promised ‘more’ accuracy in detailing the man behind Apple’s success. Yup, even the flaws of the great legend get a spotlight in the film. With this latest release of 2:30 minute teaser, we get to follow the time line of Apple’s rise, to the heart-rending scene where Mr. Steven Paul Jobs got fired from his own company, to his return and reclaim of power. The film also lets us see the demise of Apple’s CEO due to a rare pancreatic cancer. His life will be summarized and highlighted with his trials and triumphs.
The biopic will also embrace the backstage drama of the three individual product launches by the Cupertino brand, finalizing around the time when the first iPod was officially introduced to the public. It is a bit disheartening that we won’t be able to take a glimpse of the creation of our current favorite devices, the iPhone and iPad.
Steve Jobs is theatre-bound this coming fall on October 9. Other casts include Seth Rogen as Apple’s other co-founder and engineering whiz, Steve Wozniak. Kate Winslet and Jeff Daniels also joined the cast playing Joanna Hoffman and John Sculley respectively.