Different dishes with Banana in 10 mins

Eating banana is very good for health. It is considered as the cheapest fruit available. People will feel bore if they wanted to eat banana as it is. So for now we will make you prepare some different dishes with banana. Dishes with banana are not only easy to prepare but also gives different flavour to your snack food collection.


1. Banana Sushi:- This is a simple recipe and one can easily prepare this at home. You will need one banana and one tortilla along with some peanut butter. Apply the peanut butter to the tortilla evenly and make sure no excess butter is applied to any part of the tortilla. Place banana at one end of the tortilla and roll the tortilla over it. Slice it into tiny pieces and the serve it with butter. This item not only looks good but also tastes awesome.

2. Banana Ice Cream:- To prepare this item, you will need two bananas and two scoops of ice cream of required flavor. You can choose from different flavours like vanilla, butterscotch, strawberry, chocolate etc. But for us vanilla tasted really good. Remove the peel of the banana and slice them into round shape. Keep them in refrigerator and freeze and then blend them like juice. Add some milk and one scoop of ice-cream. Blend it with the help of mixer and take it into the glass bowl and sprinkle some chaco chips on it. Keep one more ice-cream scoop on it and serve.

3. Banana Boats:- Banana-boats is a really tasty item and liked by everyone. To prepare this you will need one banana, some marshmallows and some chocolate chips. Split the banana and stuff marshmallows and choco chips in it. Wrap it into a tinfoil and heat it in the oven for two minutes. The melty banana is good with ice-cream or you can eat it alone.

4. Banana Pan cakes:- You need two bananas and 4 eggs to prepare this. Mash the bananas fully and add eggs to it. Mix it fully and cook over the pan like regular cake. Syrup or sauce is compulsory and serve it with one of them.








