How to make turkey chicken

How to make turkey chicken – 12 Steps

Stuffed turkey has become a traditional centerpiece on every family table every Thanksgiving day.  Everyone may enjoy eating it but preparing it is another story to tell.  If you’re one to give the great fowl justice for your Thanksgiving dinner, how do you do it? Here are steps to guide you all throughout the cooking process from point A to point Z.

How to make turkey chicken
How to make turkey chicken
How to make turkey chicken
How to make turkey chicken


  • Buy your turkey fresh, refrain from getting the cold and preserved one. Yes, it’s tempting to just acquire those sitting prettily at the grocery stands, but you know what? Those fowls are made foul with preservatives that will diminish the taste quality of your turkey.


  • Get the remaining organs from the inside cavity of the fowl. You can set them aside for other recipe or dismiss them as garbage.


  • Clean the turkey you purchased under running water.


  • Pat the fowl dry using clean rags or paper towels. The point is to dry it up so it won’t acquire much moist.  Too much moist is the culprit behind a soggy turkey.  If you want it to attain the crispness that everybody loves, dry that fowl up.


  • With your choice of ingredients, stuff your turkey. Fill it completely by spooning the stuffing inside the cavity.


  • Brining is an optional step. It requires rubbing salt and other herbs onto the turkey.  However, if you are not partial about salt, skip this step and jump to the next one.


  • Preheat the oven into 450°F while foiling your roasting pan or dish and the turkey itself. Be sure that the fowl is completely enveloped with the foil sheets.


  • Bear in mind that every pound of the turkey meat is equivalent to 20 minutes of baking time, so weigh up the turkey first.


  • Put your foiled turkey into the oven and turn down the temperature to merely 350°F only. Bake it according to its weight ratio.


  • Open foil on the last 30 minutes of baking. By this step, you can produce a brown and crispy fowl.


  • If you think that your turkey is already done, double check by inserting a meat thermometer in the thigh part. If the meat thermometer says 165°F, the turkey is all set to be regaled.


  • Put into a decorative platter and serve on your table.
How to make turkey chicken
How to make turkey chicken





