To prepare this modern juicy shack burger you need 8 ounces of beef sirloin and 4 ounces of beef chuck and brisket, 2tsp butter, 4 potatoes buns (ask for Martin’s Sandwich Rolls), shack sauce, green-leaf lettuce, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt and pepper, Yellow American cheese etc. To prepare shack sauce one need ½ cup mayonnaise, 1 tsp yellow mustard, 1 tsp ketchup, ¼ tsp garlic powder and paprika and cayenne pepper.
To prepare sauce, one need to mix mayonnaise, pickles, mustard, ketchup, garlic powder, cayenne and paprika in a food processor bowl and whisk it until it gets really smooth. Transfer it to a squeeze bottle. While preparing take care that you mix all the items right and in the right quantities. It is always better to prepare the sauce when it is requited and if you can but it, buy it (fresh) from the market. The squeeze bottle mush be fresh and it must have good nozzle otherwise the sauce gets struck and you will feel awkward after you prepared the burgers.

To prepare burgers; gently mix sirloin, chuck and brisk in a bowl until it gets combined. Make it into 4 patties which are 2 inch tall and 2½ inch wide. Refrigerate for 30 min and it gets ready to cook. Cut the buns in middle, and apply a coating of butter and fry it till turns into golden brown(1-2 min). Drizzle 1 tsp of shake sauce on top and place 1 lettuce leaf and 2 tomato slices on each bun. Pour oil to a high bottomed skillet and heat it in medium heat until just beginning to smoke. Transfer beef patties on to it and sprinkle salt and pepper. Cook it until crisp brown crust has formed. With the help of flat spatula, flatten the beef patties. Top each patty with American cheese keep it in oven till the cheese gets melt (1 min). Transfer patties to bun bottoms, top it with the top bun (which includes tomatoes and lettuce) and serve. It tastes good when it is hot and make sure you garnished well. You can use tomato or green chilli sauce to serve.