A tasted roll is a superb food not only when you want to enjoy it in a nice dinner or taking it along with you for an entertaining picnic. And this roll is so filling that you can possibly use everything lying in your refrigerator.

- Start with removing the toasted bread edges with the help of knife. After having done so cut those edges and tops into small cubes.

- Gather all the things that you will be using as ingredients in the toasted roll. This is very interesting that you can add everything to this roll that you have in your home for example seasonal vegetables, boiled eggs, ginger, garlic and more.

- Having prepared all the ingredients it is time to now prepare the roll spread. Carefully mix the butter and melted cheese in a bowl. Also do not forget lots of garlic to the spread. Now divide the spread into two parts.

- After that spread the film on the cutting board and put the spread in the middle of the film. Now lay out this garlic spread on the entire film with the help of ham rubbing.

- After the ham rub garlic spread process take 5 toasted breads and place them well on the film with garlic spread.

- Now it is time to rub garlic over the bread spread and then cover the breads with ham.

- Having done this, preparing filling of the toasted roll would be the next step. Mix well the butter and the cream cheese. After that add 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream and then add chopped toasted cube to the batter. Now add finely chopped peppers and chives to the batter. Now put the tomatoes which will were put in hot water. Peel, pulp and pick choose the fixed part which is cut into cubes. Now add this to the filling. Put salt according to taste.

- Now put this filling and layer it onto the prepared toasted roll sheet.

- Now make use of a rigid film and strudel to cover it completely. Keep the roll aside for cooling, preferably overnight.

- Using rigid film and strudel aside to cool, preferably overnight

- When the roll is solidified, it is time to top brush the remaining spread on the top. Now garnish the spread with vegetables.
- Now slice the toasted roll and serve. Happy Eating!