Smartphones make quite an investment from your pocket or from your savings. It does not only work as a diminutive, very portable laptop but also an assistant or reliable friend. Since you’re investing money and even time and effort with your smartphone, might as well equip it with necessary protective layers for security.
We have listed several must have security apps for your little green bot. Each app was impressively developed by reputable app developers.
Security App #1: Bit Defender Antivirus Free
Start off by protecting your device from freely roaming virus. Bit Defender Antivirus can be acquired from Google Play for free. It best works with handsets with microSD card support.
Security App #2: Android Device Manager
Google made this one just in case your big chunk of an investment lost its way from your grasp. It secures the files within your Android device and should it be inevitable, it has also the capability to obliterate the files within your smartphone—no copies for malicious entities!
Security App #3: App Lock
For those who like sharing their devices with friends and family but value privacy nevertheless, this is one great app for you. You get to choose which apps you want to secure and have your loved ones access other “public” apps. No need to be worried for the confidential conversations within your Facebook, Whatsapp or Twitter.

Security App #4: Google Authenticator
Individuals who have serious Google account- related businesses thank the development of this app. The app serves as a second layer protection and uses another code to verify entry and access.

Security App#5: Titanium Back Up Pro Key- Root
Need backup of your files and data within your Android device? The Pro version of the Titanium app will do the work for you. In fact, this is the only backup app you need for your smartphone… nothing else.