People, especially women, are fond of taking selfies. Whether it’s always in the same position or angle, our precious phone storage are mostly being eaten up by those selfies. But whether we accept it or not, taking selfies became a part of our social networking experience. And there’s definitely no doubt about that.
What’s really remarkable about taking selfies is that the inner artist within all of us is being exposed. From mobile device camera and camera app up to choosing the perfect camera angle, lighting and filters, taking selfies also became quite a challenge to all of us. Because in the end, the perfect selfie that we took for ourselves usually end up as the latest profile picture or one of the latest photos in the photo album or gallery of your social networking account.
Some people are downright curious if there are known techniques when it comes to taking selfies. The truth is, taking selfies are just like taking photos in a regular way: various techniques are used in order to take perfect ones. And some of these techniques are listed below for you to read and remember:
- Always try to seek natural light when taking selfies. Always remember that having natural light is a must for taking selfies. However, always remember that whenever you’re outdoors, take selfies while the sun shines directly behind you. This will give you the enlightened or glowing effect when it comes to your selfies.

- Use artificial lighting when taking selfies indoors. Whenever natural light isn’t available, you can use artificial lighting when taking selfies, especially indoors. But instead of blocking it with your body, face the light source.

- Don’t use LED Flash when taking selfies. When it comes to selfies, always remember that using the LED Flash in your phone is definitely a no-no, unless the background is dark or even pitch-black. As you can see, using LED Flash will definitely flash your face out.

- Find your best camera angle when taking selfies. Finding the best camera angle depends on each person who’s taking the selfie. Needless to say, it is for you to find the camera angle that perfectly suits you. And once you find the perfect or best camera angle, use it to your own advantage.

- Add some photo filter. Needless to say, whenever you take a selfie, you tend to use a camera app that offers you lots of camera filters. Use these to your heart’s content.