Apple TV

IPad Accessories – Fun Auxiliaries for Your IPAD

Planning to gear up your iPad to the next level of experience? Know several widgets to accompany you to your ultimate iPad experience:


  1. Apple TV
  • Want to level up your entertainment with Youtube, Netflix, iTunes and other movie and television sites? With the help of AirPlay and Apple TV (which can be connected to your iPad), you can have that uber-magical graphical revolution moment. Playing video games and surfing will be easier, too!
  • Price: USD 99.00
Apple TV
Apple TV



  1. Apple Digital AV Adapter
  • If you are kind of under budget but still would want the same benefits as Apple TV, try Apple digital AV adapter and you can connect your iPad to your own TV. The adapter modifies the lightning port which is located just right below your iPad into HDMI port, making it possible for you to connect your tablet device to your television.
  • Price: USD 39.00
Apple Digital AV Adapter
Apple Digital AV Adapter



  1. Rover 2.0 App-Controlled Spy Tank
  • Feeling like a spying kid? Try this gizmo and maneuver your way with your iPad. One thing though, this gizmo’s not intended for professional spying. But who cares? It’ll elevate your iPad fun and experience.
  • Price: USD 99.00
Rover 2.0 App-Controlled Spy Tank
Rover 2.0 App-Controlled Spy Tank



  1. iCade
  • Of course most of us do not have the lavishness to play our hearts to the arcades. Good news, though… iCade just came in the way! The small, portable lock-in cabinet provides a room for your iPad and a joystick for your ultimate arcade experience galore!
  • Price: USD 49.99



  1. ION Piano Apprentice
  • If you’re a musician or a music-lover (whether with talents or merely by heart), try ION Piano Apprentice. This widget is a three-octave keyboard meant to be partnered with MIDI application for an instant piano keyboard access.  Liven up your music life with this widget and who knows what future stores for you?
  • Price: USD 39.00
ION Piano Apprentice
ION Piano Apprentice





