Samsung Galaxy S5 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4, as we all know, have a fingerprint scanner right in their own respective home buttons. This is their security protection against PIN codes, passwords and lock patterns. However, if you’re into internet banking like PayPal, this security feature can come quite handy. If you’re thinking that it only takes a thumb for registration, then you’re betting it wrong. These two handset models have the capacity to register at least three fingerprints. But then again, we might just be wrong for there surely is a hack on this matter.

While we are clinging into the word of the manufacturer (that there are only three-finger capacity for scanning registration), we can actually register more than the limit. Here’s how you do the fingerprint registration:
- Head immediately to the Settings menu and look for the Finger Scanner. Inside Finger Scanner, you can find the Fingerprint Manager and it will surely warn you that you can only register three fingerprints. Ignore it anyway and do the next step.
- Tap on the “+” (plus sign) in order to add a new fingerprint. After that, you will be asked to swipe the scanner for about 10 times with the finger you intend to register, so do that. Note, though, that you must not swipe that single finger in the same manner for ten times. Slightly scan that finger in various areas, comprising the sides and the tip. It is then more likely that you will be adjusting your grip between the swipes.
- After finishing the last swipe, you will be asked to repeat the process for the second time. This is for accuracy or verification purposes. After the repeat, you can then hit the “Register” button. From this point, you can start swiping the scanner with various fingers. Just take note of the manner in swiping. Include swiping the sides of the fingers and the tips.
- At last, you have successfully registered two different fingerprints under the same slot! Just repeat the steps again for other fingerprints and you will achieve the multiple fingerprints scanning.