Cryogenic Theraphy or Cryotherapy is a method of using cold air in order to treat various body pains and inflammations. The process involves using either liquid nitrogen or refrigerated cold air in order to temporarily freeze a certain part (or whole) of the patient’s body. This treatment however is strictly supervised and lasts up to 2-3 minutes. The patient can receive cryotherapy at least twice per day, depending on what he or she needs.

To those who didn’t know, Cryotherapy technology was first practiced in Japan during the year 1970, and eventually found its way to Europe a decade after. Nowadays, it is also being done in U.S. and Australia. Cryotherapy is known to threat various chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Some people think that it can be used to treat cancer, though there is no proven record or research that this is possible. However, scientists hypothesized that since it can somehow prevent the blood flow, it can slow down our metabolism, thereby resulting in slower body aging. It is also known to have a psychological effect that results in overall body relief.
On the other hand, Cryotherapy can be downright dangerous also. Due to the fact that it uses extremely low temperatures to freeze the body, prolonged exposure to cold can cause hypothermia and frostbites, aside from the fact that a full-body cryogenic treatment can turn your body into a rather large frozen meat. That’s the reason why extreme precaution is being exercised when this method of treatment is being done on a patient.