How to Build Muscles

How to Build Muscles—5 Easy and Practical Steps

Are you sick of the flabbiness around your belly or on some body parts where they shouldn’t be? Are you eager to lose those fats and gain the lean muscles everyone is aiming to have? If you’re tired of the tortures of some people labeling you as “fat” or “overweight,” then carefully consider these steps:

How to Build Muscles
How to Build Muscles



  1. Eat the right amount of calories. Equate your food intake to the activities you do daily. Be conscious of your calorie intake and aim for foods rich in protein.  Proteins help us grow lean body mass known as muscles.


  1. Eat in small amounts rather than the traditional big amounts per meal. This is proven to be healthier than the three-meals-a-day intake we got used to since we were kids.


  1. Eat the right kind of fats. Fat as we often label it are bad for our body, but remember that there are certain kinds of fats that are actually good for our body.  These fats help deliver vitamins A, D and E all throughout our body.  They are actually found in foods like beans, vegetables, nuts, tuna, salmon and trout.


  1. Exercise daily. You don’t have to go to the gym and do your workout there.  The good news is you have that creativity in you… use it.  Bench press and push-ups don’t need the facilities of a gym.  You don’t need a treadmill to do running or walking. If you don’t feel going out of your home, try to go up-and-down the stairs. However, be sure to do your work out in a healthy pace, don’t overwork yourself.


  1. Lastly but most importantly, take a good rest. You don’t want to lose fats in an unhealthy way, don’t you? Getting the right amount of rest or sleeping does your body good. As you sleep, tissues and muscles repair from a day’s hard work.  Thus, go give yourself that sleep your body needs and don’t be guilty about it!


How to Build Muscles
How to Build Muscles
How to Build Muscles
How to Build Muscles





