One of the major public healthcare concerns among the male population in the world today is Prostate Malignancy (or simply put, Prostate Cancer). The disease brings devastating effects not only on the reproductive or sexual health of the patients, but also on their psychological health as well. According to the most recent report by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prostate cancer claims 30,000 lives per year in the U.S. alone.

Prostate cancer is the malignant transformation of the glandular cells or lining of the prostate. In most cases, it is diagnosed during annual general physical or prostate examination. It can also reveal itself in various abnormal symptoms but that depends on the size, location and malignancy of the prostate gland. It has also been observed that prostate cancer is a silent, gradual-growing malignancy in its early course. However, a wide variety of treatments have become available and they can be given to patients as per case.
Although genetics and hereditary factors are vital in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer, some lifestyle and nutritional factors can help in its prevention.
- Healthy Diet
You have to take high quality and antioxidant-rich diets like organic fruits and vegetables. Taking recommended amounts of daily vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will also help get rid off of reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Avoid processed foods that bear carcinogens and other health hazards.
- Physical Fitness
It was found out that the risk of developing prostate cancer is much higher in obese males. Therefore, regular physical training and healthy exercise should help carve excess weight and keep you from being obese.
- Visit Your Doctor at Regular Intervals
6 out of 10 male prostate cancer patients are in the age of 65 years and above. It is then important that you don’t miss your regular doctor appointments for early detection.