Symptoms of Diabetes in Men

The symptoms of diabetes in men can differ slightly from those experienced by women. However, both sexes commonly experience increased thirst, hunger, and frequent urination. The main difference lies in how quickly these symptoms develop. In men, they often appear suddenly and progress rapidly, while in women, they tend to develop slowly and insidiously. In this blog, we will discuss the symptoms of diabetes in men and some potentially serious complications that can arise if the condition is left untreated.

Characteristic Symptoms of Diabetes in Men

Despite the differences in the causes of the types of diabetes, the characteristic symptoms of diabetes in men and their manifestation are similar.

One should pay special attention to signs such as:

  • Dry mouth
  • Constant thirst and an increased amount of fluid consumed (up to 5 litres per day)
  • Increased appetite
  • Frequent urination, especially at night

However, despite the similarities, there are also differences. Let’s consider them in detail.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are characterised by an active onset and a fast pace of manifestations. Take a look:

  • Increased fatigue
  • Rashes in various places
  • Inconstancy of blood pressure indicators
  • Deterioration of vision

Another symptom males rarely notice is odour emanating from the body. With the development of Type 1 diabetes, the human body begins to emit the smell of acetone. It is especially noticeable in the morning after a night’s sleep and during physical exertion when a large amount of sweat is released.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes develop gradually over time. Evidence of the presence of this condition becomes apparent when one notices the following:

  • Long wound healing
  • Pain in the lower extremities
  • Insomnia or a constant desire to go to sleep
  • Erectile dysfunction

Ignoring the symptoms leads to a significant deterioration of the skin condition, in which alopecia (partial or complete hair loss) can be observed.

List of Possible Complications

What happens if diabetes is not treated? A constantly elevated blood sugar level inevitably leads to the dysfunction of the internal organs and systems. The list of possible complications, which develops in males due to diabetes, includes:

  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Blurred vision due to damage to the retina
  • Damage to the central nervous system (CNS)
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system (mainly disorders in the lower extremities)

It is worth mentioning that the development of diabetes inevitably leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, especially with arterial hypertension, etc.

The Norm of Blood Glucose Levels in Men

One of the first signs of diabetes in men and women is an elevated glucose level detected by laboratory blood test results. To know the state of the endocrine system and the body as a whole, a comparison of the data obtained with established standards is used, including:

  • Fasting glucose level (from a finger / from a vein) – 3.3–5.5 / 3.7–6.1 mmol / l;
  • Glucose level during the day – up to 11.1 mmol / l;
  • Glycated haemoglobin – no more than 6.5%;
  • Glucose tolerance test – up to 7.6 mmol / l 120 minutes after taking glucose.

A blood sugar level test is performed to rule out any endocrine disorders. However, to diagnose an illness, we check the percentage of glycated haemoglobin and schedule a glucose tolerance test.

What are the Causes of Diabetes in Men?

The main reasons that can lead to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes include the following:

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes:

  • Immunity disorders
  • Viruses that damage beta cells
  • A genetic predisposition.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes:

  • Obesity (the main risk factor is abdominal)
  • Age over 40 years
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Family history of the disease
  • History of gestational diabetes

The Development of Diabetes is Aggravated by the following:

  • Smoking
  • Stressful situations
  • Low activity
  • Diseases of the pancreas

What are the Potential Causes of a Spike in Urine Sugar?

The potential causes of a spike in urine sugar could be due to eating or drinking foods high in sugar, such as candy, soda, or fruit juice. It could also result from stress, illness, or certain medications. The best way to determine the cause of a spike in urine sugar is to talk to a doctor.

The Bottom Line

This article discussed the symptoms of diabetes in men, its causes, and its complications. The most important thing is promptly identifying the disease and starting treatment, which will help improve the quality of life and extend it significantly. We also noted that some symptoms might be absent for a long time, which leads to serious complications. Therefore, if you have even the slightest suspicion of diabetes, it is better to consult a doctor and pass the necessary examinations. And, of course, it is worth remembering that prevention is always easier than treatment. So try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and exercise to significantly lower the probability of developing diabetes.





