Imagine that World Wide Web is metro-city where the possibilities are endless. Yes, various opportunities to grow and be successful are proven to be in existence in this wide cyber space. We don’t need to pin point the big names just to prove that internet has its fine points.
However, just as opportunities are being made and happened here, we can’t help but to meet “certain people” with malicious intentions. The simplest word for such identities is scammers. In this article, we’re going to help you identify such entities. The tips you can find below may help you weigh and properly judge if you’re dealing with a scammer:

- Listen and/or read their wordings very carefully. There are certain words that come right popping up among the wordings of these scums. You may have encountered the words: No Risk, Instant Returns, Secret and Insider. While they aren’t really the keywords exclusively used by scammers, know that these rise up the red flag. You have to do some further investigations about the company from that point.
- Google the offer or the company with a brief description about them. Ah, the beauty of googling… there are counter measures for these people.
- You can check on sites that investigate about scamming companies or sites.
- You can check on the Better Business Bureau if the company or site is registered to them. If you find the company or site in their list of registry, then it may be a good start.
- If the company is pressuring you to make investments right away, then you have to think twice. They may be scammers for crying out loud.
- If you suspect someone to be a scammer and you can’t search about him (or her) online, then by all means evade such individual.