When it comes to Searching It’s not just Google

When it comes to Searching : It’s not just Google

When you say internet search, there’s only one thing that usually comes into people’s minds, that is, Google. We can’t blame them; Google is a centralized internet entity and one of the best bets when it comes to searching things inside the net. However, aside from Google, there are lots of search engines out there, ready to discover by you.

When it comes to Searching It’s not just Google
When it comes to Searching It’s not just Google


These are by far the best search engines that are available for every internet user out there.

  1. Dogpile – Dogpile is the best search engine just before it got buried in its own ‘dog pile’ and Google had taken over. Right now, they’re definitely coming back with a vengeance.
  2. Yippy – Yippy Search is a kind of a ‘deep web’ search engine that also searches other search engines and obscure, ‘top-secret’ webpages.
  3. Bing – Formerly the MSN Search, Bing offers various search suggestions while giving you different search options at the same time.
  4. DuckDuckGo – Looking like Google at first glance, this search engine offers zero-click information and disambiguation prompts, therefore ensuring that relevant results are being displayed for you.
  5. Google Scholar – This search engine helps you research different scientific and hard-research materials that are usually being subject to other people’s scrutiny.
  6. com – It works out like Google, Bing and Yahoo but more on the clean and organized side.
  7. Mahalo – Being the only human-powered search engine that became one of the best, this one employs a committee of editors in order to filter sites in the web.
  8. Webopedia – Being one of the most useful sites on the web, this one is dedicated to computer definitions and technological terminologies.
  9. Yahoo! – This is an all-in-one portal for its services. Aside from being a search engine, it also has a shopping center, mailbox, news, horoscopes and games center.
  10. Internet Archive – A favorite destination for longtime web lovers, this one contains a timeline of past events.
  11. Google – If you still don’t know anything about Google then, shame on you.







