
All about Elevators: Facts and Definition

Nowadays, it is just a common sight for us to see elevators. Almost every establishment that consists of many floors usually has one, starting from malls to hospitals. This thing makes our work very convenient, especially if you’re working in an office located on the top of a certain building. Not only elevators lessen the time of getting on the topmost floor; it also saves our working energy due to the fact that we don’t have to take the stairs.



In the year 1861, Elisha Graves Otis, a resident of Yonkers, New York, invented an improved version of hoisting apparatus or machine which made the world expand not only horizontally, but also vertically. Needless to say, the elevator already exists way back Greek and Roman times. What he had actually made is what we call the ‘Safety Elevator’.


This machine isn’t just widely accepted by everyone; it also became as one of the most important inventions of all time. Well, who of you thinks that an elevator isn’t important, by the way?


What are the Safety Elevator’s Parts?

Unless you’re a machine enthusiast, most of you usually don’t pay attention to how an elevator works, unless it doesn’t work or you’ve experienced getting trapped inside one. Another remarkable thing is that most of the time, an elevator just looks like a metal box with automatic doors and a dial with lots of numbers. However, if you’re going to take an elevator apart, you’re going to see these things:


  1. Elevator cars – Elevator cars are the metal boxes where you get inside and then, by pushing the right button, you are then taken to your desired floor number.


  1. Counterweights – The counterweight lessens the overall lifting strain that is being made to cables and the motor by shifting in the opposite direction wherever the car goes. In other words, if the car goes up, the counterweight shifts down and vice-versa.


  1. Electric Motor – The electric motor is used in order to hoist the elevator car upward or downward, depending on the floor number.


  1. Braking System – The braking system locks the elevator car in place once it reaches the desired floor. It also secures the elevator car from going down too quickly. Originally, safety hooks are attached to the elevator car, which locks the car in place once the elevator cable snaps.


  1. Metal Cables and Pulleys – Pulleys are connected directly to the elevator car while the metal cables connect it to the electric motor.


  1. Elevator safety and security systems – These safety systems are invented in order to protect the elevator car passengers once the metal cable breaks. This usually includes an emergency braking mechanism.


  1. Electronic Control System – Because of this one, it ensures the passengers in the elevator car that he or she doesn’t have to stand waiting for other passengers in every floor, unless that floor’s number is pushed. Other buildings employ an algorithm that enables most passengers in either going upward or downward, depending on the program. This is very essential, especially during the rush hour.
















