When you are residing in a foreign country it is always good to have a green card. It only strengthens your bond with the country and you become a citizen of that particular country as well. Once you have it things become easy for you. One should be a citizen of one country for sure. So do all the things that are necessary to get the citizenship or the green card. Usually, when it comes to the United States people apply for green card. This can happen only if you live in the country for more than 5 years continuously or if you marry a US citizen.

- Apply for a green card while in the country: Get the appropriate forms and fill them with the correct information to apply for the card. Mail the forms to the office.
- Determine if form I-130(petition for alien relative) has been filed by the spouse who is the united states citizen: If you have not done it then file the form immediately. One should gather all the supporting documents and mail it along with the form. One should mail the completed form and the filing fees to USCIS Chicago Lockbox facility at : USCIS, P.O. Box 805887, Chicago, IL 60680-4120.
- Wait for the notification.
- if you are outside the US you can apply for the citizenship: Have the US citizen fill the form and post it to the office.
- Wait for the initial notification.
- Once it is received get ready to attend the interview in order to get the immigrant visa.
- Once you get the visa do not open the cover.
- After reaching the US, give the cover to the customs and border protection officer at the port of entry: Once they find it alright, you will be given your green card.
Follow the steps and you will have your green card with you without any problems and you can become the citizen of the country with ease.