There are many kinds of marketing strategies, especially if you have a car company. Due to the fact that not all people can afford to buy cars for themselves, most companies strive really hard in order to have the highest sales bracket in the car market. Most of them load their cars with loads of really nice features such as eye-catching designs and colors, rocket-fast engines along with highly-reactive braking and transmission systems, GPS, Internet and Entertainment Systems, etc. However, some companies endorse somewhat ‘mediocre’ cars in order for people to pay attention to their best designs. It sure sounds a bit confusing but, sad to say, it’s their marketing strategy. And this Buick convertible is a good example of that really awkward marketing strategy.

Under the Hood
Featuring a Turbocharged 16-valve 4-cylinder engine, experts are quick to point out that the 2016 Buick Cascada is just an ‘Opel with a Different Logo’ along with Verano’s design architecture. They are also quick to point out that a car of this design having a 4,000-pound mass is just too much.
However, experts have also noticed that compared to BMW M4, this convertible is somehow stiffer. Buick’s engineers did a really commendable job of tuning the Cascada’s overall ride, thanks to firm suspensions that are installed that allows slight rolling at the same time. Along with a 6-speed automatic transmission and a front-wheel drivetrain, the car runs at 200-hp and 221 lb-ft of torque. This is less powerful compared to other convertibles but it is somehow remarkable that the car’s mileage is considerably higher compared to others.
All in all, experts think that this car won’t sale much in the market. However, the fact remains that if improvements are done to this one, this car will be very good, indeed.
- Category : Entry-Luxury Compact
- Engine : Turbocharged and intercooled DOHC 16-valve inline-4
- Transmission : 6-speed automatic with manual shifting mode
- Drivetrain : FWD
- Power : 200-hp @ 5500 rpm
- Torque : 221 lb-ft @ 2200 rpm
- 0-60 mph : 8.4 seconds
- Top Speed : 125 mph
- Mileage : (City) 20 mpg; (Highway) 27 mpg
- Price : Starting at $33,990 – $36,990 (as tested)