Car Tire Lose Air During Winter Time

Why Does Your Car Tire Lose Air During Winter Time?

In countries that experience four seasonal changes, the cars that are manufactured there have a Tire Pressure Monitoring System or TPMS feature installed. The feature’s name is self-explanatory: the system is made in order to monitor tire pressure. However, why is there a necessity to monitor your tire pressure by the way?


Car Tire Lose Air During Winter Time
Car Tire Lose Air During Winter Time


It is a common knowledge for drivers in these countries that car tires usually lose more air during winter time. Scientifically speaking, air pressure is being affected by climate change, meaning that the molecules in air literally stay close to each other when the temperature is colder. In other words, if the water becomes ice during winter, the molecules in the air become more compact, even though it does not change to water.


Studies made by the Rubber Manufacturer’s Association point out that the air pressure inside car tires drops by 1-2 PSI for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit drop in outside temperature. During these times, it is only natural that you fill your car tires with more air that the usual, though not entirely up to its bursting point. The car drivers know that they must do this in a mandatory way, unless they want their cars to stop on the middle of nowhere just because their car’s tires had flatten out already.


On the other hand, if cold climate affects air molecules, so is the hot one, in a rather reversed way. During summer, it is advised that you fill your car tires with lesser air, unless you want to get stranded because of a blown-out tire.





