The green bot had chosen a Korean car to be the first automotive running with its OS. Google’s new Android Auto operating system goes pilot on Hyundai’s 2015 Sonata. We can remember about this endeavour just a year ago (2014) and this is the latest update about our favorite Android.
So how will the little greet bot run in Sonata? To make this happen, one must have the latest Google Android OS, which is Lollipop, in the driver’s smartphone. The device is then connected to the USB port and it will be asked to download the supporting Android Auto software. With the app installed and running in the phone and the car takes the work from that point onwards.
Minimalist approach, the Android Auto UI won’t be as crazy as your smartphone’s. Instead, it will have a much cleaner version with the main benefits such as—first and foremost—the navigational system akin to Google Maps and music player looking like Google Music. Additionally, you can still communicate through it and even read Facebook updates and tweets from Twitter. It also has access in third party apps such as Skype, NPR, Spotify, iHeartRadio…etc.
Eventually, Google will expand its vision with other automakers in the likes of Audi, Honda and Volvo. The tech giant targets at least 28 different brands of 2016 model to use their technology. With this integrated to the dashboards of automobiles from various brands, we should also expect more about Google’s own self driving car.That and the news about its biggest rival, the Apple car (expected by 2020) that has achieved ties with the likes of BMW, Honda and GM.